Week 7 Story: Finding a Wife for King Josh

Once upon a time, there was a young Prince named Chris. Chris had just experienced the death of his father, Douglas, and was starting to feel the pressure of his upcoming position to take the throne. Although Chris adored his father and everything he had done for the Kingdom of Marten, he was not sure taking over and being a ruler was what he desired. He was the only full-blood heir to the throne, however, he had a half brother that was 2 years younger than him. The half brother, Josh, had been conceived when Douglas had taken a second wife besides Chris's mother. Josh was the opposite of Chris and had always thought he would make a great King even though the throne did not belong to him. Despite having different mothers, Chris and Josh had always been extremely close and did everything together. After much consideration, Chris decided to abdicate his claim to the throne in order to let Josh take place as King over Marten. Josh was honored by the opportunity his brother had pres...