Feedback Strategies
Noticing the Good Stuff: A Suggested Practice by Sherri Spelic
- this article is so good!!!
- reiterates the importance of focusing on positives even though we are always surrounded with grass is always greener mentality
- measure and focus on things that are positive in order to outweigh the negative things we are focusing on
- keep track of the wins/ positive things that happen
- be aware of my goals and what I am trying to accomplish, use that as a measure for my positive thinking and awareness
- be transparent, allow myself to realize where I am struggling and where I need to grow
- give myself actions I can take to be better at what I am doing
- be on time with feedback and recognize it quickly after my goal or task I need to complete
- continue to give me feedback for things and always continue it
- be consistent in the actions I am taking and how I am measuring them
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