Week 8 Comments and Feedback

1. Overall, the comments I have received have been helpful. I enjoy the comments that include criticism or suggestions to make my writing better. I think those comments help me improve on my writing more than other general suggestions and comments.

2. I think my comments are helpful and useful, I try to comment and make suggestions about the stories. I use the I wonder method a lot to write detailed feedback on the plot of the story. I also like using the Wow method to highlight parts of their story that I really like and enjoy.

3. I think the introduction blogs are fun to learn interesting things about people. I feel like each blog I read introducing someone is so different than any other I have read. However, I do not necessarily think the introduction blogs help really get to know someone because I find that I don't always return to them after reading so I do not always remember the different people.

4. I think to help people more with my comments I can be more detailed and specific. Sometimes I only talk about small things I enjoyed about the story instead of more helpful feedback to improve it. 

Funny Cat meme from Cheezburger

I love this picture because like I mentioned earlier, I think feedback can be so helpful. Especially criticism because it lets you be more aware of what could be wrong and how you can improve. 


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